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Do I Have to File a Lawsuit if I Hire a Lawyer?

Roberts Wilson, P.A. | July 16, 2012

Absolutely not! The decision to file a lawsuit and go to court is always the client’s.  A lawyer cannot make you file a lawsuit if you do not want to.

At my office, we understand why our clients can be reluctant to get involved in a time consuming court battle.  For some, it may be the belief that it is immoral to sue someone in court. For others it may be that they just don’t want to endure the stress of a trial at the courthouse. No matter what the reason, we respect our client’s beliefs and wishes and will not pressure them to file a lawsuit if they do not want to.

That being said, a lawyer may recommend that you file a lawsuit if the responsible party or their insurance company refuses pay a fair amount for the damages they are responsible for.

Another fact that is important to many people is that you are almost always dealing with an insurance company and not the person who caused the wreck. When you purchase auto liability insurance, the insurance company makes a promise to pay for the damages and injuries you are responsible for.   When you pay for uninsured motorist coverage, your own insurance company makes a promise to you that they will pay for the damages and injuries you suffer at the hand of an uninsured driver.  This is why we spend our hard earned money on insurance coverage.  Attorneys like us are here to make sure that insurance companies keep their promises.

At my law office, we work hard to settle matters with the insurance company before filing a lawsuit.  Resolving a claim outside the courtroom can be beneficial to our clients in many ways including the following:

  • Reduced Attorney Fee if Settled Before The Filing a Lawsuit
  • Saves Time
  • Saves Money
  • No Court Battle
  • A Peaceful Resolution Between the Parties

Sometimes, the insurance company refuses to pay what our client is rightfully entitled to.  When this happens, we give our client’s the option of filing a lawsuit if they want to.

The decision to file a lawsuit is something that requires legal counsel and thoughtful consideration by the client, client’s family and their attorney.  Sometimes it is the right thing to do and sometimes it is not.  We will guide you in the decision making process to help you make the decision that is right for you.

Many people believe that we should be able to resolve our differences without having to go to court and I am one of those people.  It makes no sense to file a lawsuit if the matter can be resolved between the parties in a timely and peaceful manner.  This is what we try to do in almost every case.

If you are having a tough time deciding whether or not to call an attorney, you can contact me for a Free No Obligation Consultation at (662) 533-9111 anytime of the day or night.  A representative from my office is available 24 hours a day.