Want to enter a drawing for an iPad? Want to stay up to date on legal issues? We are here to help! Welcome to the Roberts Wilson, P.A. Injury Lawyers “Text Alert System” “Opt-In” Instructions […]
I wish I could say that what happened in the tragic Francis Fortner rollover crash in Jackson surprised me but having been a personal injury attorney for the last 15 years, very little does. People just don’t […]
We all know when 18-Wheeler Accidents happen, the results can be devastating. What many folks may not know is that Truck Drivers and Trucking Companies are required to follow strict regulations to ensure your safety […]
OK, I am going to talk a little politics today because politicians are taking cheap shots at lawyers again. Once again, politicians are carrying the water for the poor insurance industry and forgetting all about […]
As an attorney, I am far too familiar with a good time gone wrong than I would like to be, but it gives me insight that I can pass along to others that may just […]
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