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How Allstate Harms The Justice System

robertswilson | June 4, 2020

If you have followed Roberts Wilson, P.A. Injury Lawyers for any length of time, you have heard us complain about how some insurance companies behave.  They delay, deny and defend the indefensible.. . . And from time to time, we get to publish things that illustrate that bad behavior so you don’t have to just take our word for it.

Keep reading about Allstate insurance company below!

This court ruling from Alabama linked below illustrates why I never recommend someone buy insurance from Allstate Insurance Company.  Simply put, they are AWFUL and their commercials are, there is really no polite way of saying this, nonsense!

To illustrate this point further, the majority of the people we sue here in our office are sued because Allstate was their insurance company and because Allstate refused to settle the claim for a reasonable amount, thereby failing to keep their insureds in “good hands” and out of the courthouse.

This behavior from Allstate clogs up our courts and costs tax payers money by wasting all of our time by fighting claims that should be paid without litigation.

Did I tell you they are a publicly traded company that answers to Wall Street investors instead of policy holders?

So, if you have a few moments, click this link Harbin v Allstate (sanctions) and read about how Allstate treats the people it insures. And just imagine, if they treat their own people like this, how do you think they will treat you.

In this particular case, the Allstate insured had over $200,000 in medical bills due to an auto accident that was not their fault, with an uninsured driver. Allstate provided “uninsured motorist coverage” that is designed to cover accidents caused by uninsured drivers. In this case, the maximum Allstate would have had to pay under their contract was only $75,000, but as you will see in the court’s order, the court determined Allstate should have to pay the entire verdict of over $600,000 because of their egregious behavior and abandonment of the “your in good hands with Allstate” mantra.

Click this link to read the Court Order from Alabama:

Harbin vs Allstate (sanctions)

If you have been hurt in a car wreck, all insurance companies are capable of taking advantage of your lack of knowledge but Allstate takes the cake.  You can call us and have your case evaluated for free.  Call 662.533.9111 to set up your FREE CONSULTATION!