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What To Do If An Uninsured Driver Hits You!

Roberts Wilson, P.A. | September 20, 2016

Auto Accident

Unfortunately in Mississippi, 28% of drivers are uninsured and many more are under insured. Even though uninsured motorist (UM) coverage is not required by law, make sure you get UM coverage with liability coverage. Car accidents happen and the chances of being hit by an uninsured driver in Mississippi are higher than many other places.

What to do if you’ve been hit by an uninsured driver (assuming you’ve got your UM coverage in place):

  • Call the Police  Even if the car wreck is minor, you still want to have police documentation of the accident for insurance purposes.
  • Get the other driver’s information (Full name, license number, contact information, make and model of car) Politely ask the driver if you can take a picture of their driver’s license but don’t push the issue if they decline. Always keep the peace at a car crash scene. Call their number before they leave to make sure it is a real number.
  • Get Pictures! Always take pictures at the accident scene if possible. Take pictures of all the cars and the license plates.
  • Call a Lawyer right away! Before you call your insurance company, it is a good idea to get legal advice first. Your own insurance company can become combative when a UM claim is filed, so a lawyer can help you get the money you deserve.
  • Call your Insurance Company to file a UM claim or if you have hired a lawyer, they will deal with the insurance company for you. Never give a recorded statement without seeking legal advice first. This can be critical to your case.

If you don’t have uninsured motorist coverage, it’s still important to seek legal advice because a qualified personal injury attorney knows of all the potential avenues of recovery that you might not be aware of.
